Should You Have Your Ducts Cleaned?

Improve your indoor air quality in Naperville IL by having a clean Heating.

Do You Need Duct Cleaning?

Not sure if you need to have your ducts cleaned? Here are some signs that your ventilation system could use a good cleaning:

  • Dirty Filters: If you find that you have to clean or replace your filter more often than the manufacturer recommends - or you’ve forgotten to change it for a few months — it might be time to schedule a duct cleaning.
  • Dirty Registers: Kneel next to one of your registers and wipe it with a damp rag or cloth. Is it dirty?
  • Dust Floating in Air: If you can see dust floating out of your registers when your system runs, it’s time to call a professional.
  • Your Home is New: Building a home is a dirty job. It’s pretty common for us to find building debris inside the ductwork.
  • You Just Moved Into an Existing Home: If you are a new homeowner of an existing home, you probably don’t know much about the hygiene and cleaning habits of the previous owners.
  • You Just Completed a Large Remodeling Project: Sanding, pulling out old furnishings like carpets and cabinets, etc. can throw a lot of gunk and debris into the air. Even with frequent cleaning, some will end up in your ductwork (especially if your system was running during the process).
  • Mildew and Mold Growth: If you spot mildew or mold growing around your vents or clinging to the bottom of your registers, that’s a pretty clear sign you need a duct cleaning.
  • Unusual Noises from Your Ductwork: Your ductwork shouldn’t go bump in the night. Unusual noises in your ventilation can be a sign that there’s a clog that needs clearing.
  • Vermin (rodents or insects) Found a Way Inside Your Home: If they can get in, they will. Once there, not only is ductwork a nice cozy place to nest, but ductwork is also an easy way to travel from one area of your home to another.
  • It’s Been More than Five Years Since Its Last Cleaning: Has it been more than five years since your ducts were cleaned? If that’s the case, it’s time to call Comfort Services Heating & Air Conditioning to give your ventilation system a good scrubbing!

Think it's time to get your ducts cleaned? Give us a call to learn more...